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  1. ATM transactions are categorized within Others merchant type.

  2. The old card cannot be removed but you can un-manage the card via Manage Portfolio.

  3. Yes. If your card number, expiration date or security code changes then you must add the card to your profile. In addition, you may hide the old card. Both of these functions are accessible in Manage Portfolio.

  4. The app automatically logs off after 10 minutes of inactivity.

  5. Yes. You can register multiple cards within a single CardValet app. Additional cards can be added within the Menu>Manage Portfolio>Add Card screen.

  6. CardValet does not continue to track your last known location if it is more than 8 hours old. For example, you are shopping in Columbus and your phone battery dies and then more than 8 hours later you are shopping in Atlanta, your transactions will not be denied due to the My Location setting. However if it is less than 8 hours, your transaction will be denied. If you are not able to turn your primary phone on then you may contact HRCU during normal business hours to remove all of your control preferences.

  7. CardValet performs a proximity check of ZIP code or city, so if the merchant is close to home then the transactions will still go through.

  8. When performing an edit check on My Location and My Regions, CardValet compares the geographic location of the mobile device as well as the Merchant’s information that is sent within the transaction. The My Location controls and alerts will check to ensure the merchant location is within a five (5) mile radius of the device set as “primary” within CardValet. It is possible for the merchant to use an address that is not the same as the physical location of the merchant i.e. Corporate or Regional address. In these instances, the transaction will bypass the CardValet edit checks since the information is not within the set boundaries.

  9. No. CardValet currently supports debit and credit card transactions.

  10. Spent this month displays on the back of a specific card, when clicked on, and is the total amount that is calculated from the cumulative spending for that card. At the end of the month, the total resets to zero (0). Deposits and refunds are deducted from the total.

  11. CardValet passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and must contain at least 1 upper case character, 1 lower case character, 1 number, and 1 special character.

  12. The primary device is used to track the GPS for “My Location” alerts and controls and all merchant and threshold alerts will be sent to the primary device. All devices that have registered a particular card can view or change the CardValet settings for that card. Controls (including the “On/Off” setting) are set at the card level, so the last update to a control will be honored regardless of which phone was used to make the change. Alerts are set at the device level, so each primary device will receive alerts that were set up from that particular device. The primary device can be re-set by accessing “Settings – Primary Device.”

  13. Yes. To re-activate, you must register as a new user. You will be required to select a new user name; if you enter your previous user name an error will display. Upon successful registration, you may once again use CardValet.

  14. International transactions are blocked by HRCU by default. If you are travelling internationally you must let HRCU know.

  15. CardValet alerts are sent as push notifications to the phone. The alerts also display under Messages in the CardValet app.

  16. Yes. There are multiple ways that you can unsubscribe from CardValet. You can unsubscribe through the CardValet application via Manage Portfolio. To unsubscribe, uncheck all cards and accounts and tap OK.

    HRCU can also unsubscribe you from CardValet on your behalf.

    When you unsubscribe, all of the previously set alerts and controls are no longer in effect.

  17. Spent on card this month displays the total amount that is calculated from the cumulative spending on all managed cards in the month to date. At the end of every month, the system automatically resets the monthly spending amount to zero (0). Deposits and refunds are deducted from the total.

  18. Yes. The new card number must be registered. The replacement card is added to your profile via Menu>Manage Portfolio>Add Card.

  19. Each time you enter an incorrect username or password this message displays. On the third attempt your account is disabled; for security reasons the message continues to display even if you enter the correct username/password. To reset, please contact HRCU.

  20. You must create a unique login account for each financial institution. Each login account is applicable for a single financial institution. In the login page, the logo of the last logged-in financial institution shows.

  21. You will need to enter the same level of detail entered for the original card. This information generally includes the:
    -Card Number
    -ZIP code
    -Expiration Date
    -CVV/CVC Code

    Secondary authentication includes:
    -Security token sent in an email
    -Last 4 digits of the social security number

    Multiple account holders can register the same card as long as they know the card details. Typical examples of multiple individuals registering one card include: parents and dependents; spouses; and employers/employees.

  22. Each account holder who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about CardValet unless the parent shares the information.

  23. Make sure that there are no dashes in the SSN field. If there are, remove them and try again. If you continue to have problems registering, then please contact HRCU for assistance.

  24. The My Location controls and alerts will check to ensure the merchant location is within a 5-mile radius of the primary device. These controls impact card present transactions only, therefore internet transactions are not impacted. If a merchant’s location is causing you to be declined you may need to disable the location setting.

  25. The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than 5 square miles. CardValet can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case CardValet will default to a state-level match.

  26. Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

  27. You can set the Do Not Disturb time that will suppress notification during the set time. Some notifications will still be delivered, for example any transaction denial or any transaction that is a card-present authorization.

  28. Alerts are always sent for denied transactions, a deposit or refund, when a shared user changes a control setting, or if the card status changes.